Women in Gaming Australasia | Community Clubs Victoria

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Women in Gaming Australasia

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Community Clubs Victoria (CCV) is pleased to announce that Women in Gaming Australasia (WGA) has joined as an affiliate partner.

WGA is the only industry body in Australasia dedicated to empowering women working in, or looking to work in, the thriving and fast-paced gaming industry.

To help create more inclusive workplaces, WGA developed the Unconscious Bias Learning Resource. This resource is designed for clubs, managers and individuals.

Everyone has biases.They develop over the course of our lifetime through our own experiences and exposure to messages and other influences.

The good news is that we can learn to recognise our unconscious biases and consequently be more conscious about how we make decisions and respond to situations. This makes us better managers and co-workers.

To make your workplace more inclusive, download the Unconscious Bias Learning Resource to #checkyourbias. You will also have access to an additional suite of resources which can be used on social media, back of house within your workplace, or within your team briefings and meetings at work.

Let’s work together to make workplaces more inclusive.

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