Director Identification Number Regime | Community Clubs Victoria

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Director Identification Number Regime

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Director Identification Numbers – What do CCV Members Need to Know?

A new Federal Government requirement for eligible officers (which includes company directors) to have a Director Identification Number (DIN) commenced its phase-in period from 1 November 2021.

Who needs to apply for a DIN?

The requirement applies to directors/committee members of a CCV Member if the club is a Company Limited by Guarantee. It will not apply to directors/committee members if the club is an Incorporated Association, unless the club has registered with ASIC as a registered Australian body (generally only done if the club needs to operate nationally). As yet there is no indication whether the DIN regime, or a version of it, may be introduced for Incorporated Associations.

The requirement also applies to directors and alternate directors of any company registered under the Corporations Act, so many of the people involved with community clubs will need to comply if they are also the director of a proprietary limited company (Pty Ltd), regardless of whether the company carries on a business, holds property, acts as a SMSF trustee, or similar.

When do applications need to be made?

The deadline for eligible officers to apply for a DIN depends on the date of the eligible officer’s appointment:

How to apply for a DIN

From 1 November 2021, applicants can apply to the Australian Business Registry Services (ABRS) for the issuance of a DIN via the ABRS website. The applicant is required to verify their identity when applying for a DIN using the MyGovID system (which is not the same thing as MyGov).

Each applicant will be issued with a DIN, being a unique 15-digit identifier that will be permanently associated with that person and will need to be used whenever they act as an eligible officer for a company.

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