Workplace Emergency Planning | Community Clubs Victoria

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Workplace Emergency Planning

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Workplace emergency management planning demonstrates a genuine regard for employee welfare, as well as reducing disruption to operations.

All workplaces have potential risks that expose them to emergencies.  Workplace emergency management planning will:

  • Provide early and accurate identification of workplace hazards
  • Enable you to plan towards reducing the impact of potential workplace emergencies
  • Help you to fulfill your duty of care
  • Assist with your business continuity planning

Prior Planning, Preparation and Prevention (the 4 P’s)

Identifying risks and mapping out a documented plan to mitigate risks, combined with regular staff training is an essential part of workplace emergency planning.  The information below from Emergency Management Victoria, Worksafe Australia and Worksafe Victoria provide excellent resources to assist with the establishment of your Club’s plan.

Many Clubs consult with their local Fire Brigade staff to discuss their own emergency management plan and seek professional input, combined with establishing a schedule of staff training and drills that are of mutual benefit in the event of an actual emergency where first responders are required to turn out.

Critical Incident Assistance

A critical incident can be any situation that causes a person to experience unusually strong emotional reactions that have an ability to interfere with their ability to function normally.  It can be a single event or as a result of one or more longer term events.

In clubs, typical critical events might include:

  • Threats, robberies, violent incidents or assaults
  • Workplace bullying
  • Accidents at the club
  • Serious injury or illness of a staff, team or community member
  • Bushfire, flood or other natural disasters

Critical incidents can often be sudden and unexpected but can also have a significant impact on a club’s operation and staff morale. How individuals respond to an event will differ and depends on their perception of the event and their ability to cope.

Clubs have a duty of care to look after the people they employ and to members and guests who use their facilities.  Establishing policies and procedures to respond to possible critical incidents is essential, rather than assuming that the responsible person on duty understands what to do, how to do it and when.

Initially clubs should undertake a risk evaluation and develop procedures applicable for each type of risk, which might cover:

  • Who should take control, what action is required and which tasks can be delegated?
  • Making the scene of the incident safe for everyone
  • Assessing casualties and administrating first aid
  • Calling emergency services
  • Escalation to key people on and off-site
  • Completion of an incident report

Knowing what to do when an event occurs is one of the key ways to mitigate severe psychological reactions. Clubs should consider assistance for staff involved in a critical incident. Help is available through several sources. CCV partner Trauma Centre of Australia (TCA), 03 920 59488 has already assisted many member clubs. The TCA training arm also conducts Trauma Counselling Training.

CCV Member Step by Step Guide to Initial Trauma Response


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